Aktualnie mało udzielam się na #SocialMedia, ale jeśli już, to w pierwszej kolejności wolę mieć treści "u siebie", a dopiero późnej "na zewnątrz".
Praktyczna realizacja tego założenia to m.in. strona osobista i blog albo zdecentralizowane sieci społecznościowe, które podobnie jak strona internetowa, mogą być self-hosted. Następnie udostępnianie danych treści dalej (#RSS, syndication, cross-posting).
Jeśli takie podejście brzmi interesująco, warto poczytać o #IndieWeb albo #Fediverse. Są to ciekawe alternatywy dla gigantów technologicznych i scentralizowanych serwisów społecznościowych, które mogą przestać istnieć za X lat (albo mogą jednostronnie zmienić reguły "gry" na dowolne, co już wielokrotnie miało miejsce w postaci aktualizacji różnych algorytmów czy zamykania danych usług).
Poza aspektem praktycznym (np. forma backupu), daje to też większą kontrolę i satysfakcję z tworzenia i budowania czegoś u siebie, zamiast u kogoś (szczególnie, jeśli komuś bliska jest idea #OpenSource lub ogólnie lubi "pomajsterkować" technologicznie w ciekawych rozwiązaniach i niekoniecznie komercyjnie).
Wiadomość zainspirowana postem Wojtka na LinkedIn.
Damian Wajer - Front-end, WordPress Developer, UX Designer, Digital Consultant
I'm a creative front-end developer and WordPress developer combined with UX designer and digital consultant – Damian Wajer.Damian Wajer
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Lost in Translation
Bad accessibility is often not caused by the things we see in a page, but by those we don't see.Paris Web
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Did you write (or read) an article about a dark mode implementation?
Feel free to share it below.
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prefers-color-scheme: Hello darkness, my old friend
Many devices now support an operating system wide dark mode or dark theme experience. This post explains how dark mode can be supported on web pages, lists best practices, and introduces a custom element named dark-mode-toggle that allows web develop…web.dev
I wrote about how to use color-scheme to do a dark mode: https://sarajoy.dev/blog/color-scheme/
Edit: it also eventually became a talk: https://youtu.be/Lye56NHGtLA
Do you know color-scheme?
It will certainly look familiar, as prefers-color-scheme has been around for longer and is clearly related.sarajoy.dev
CSS { In Real Life } | Creating VS Code Snippets to Speed Up Workflow
Tips, tricks and tutorials on the web’s most beautiful language.CSS { In Real Life } | Creating VS Code Snippets to Speed Up Workflow
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By the way: it is ctrl+shift+p on Windows.
💫 https://changelog.com/news/QpWN
Scrollbar.app – a simple online tool for designing scrollbars
A cool microsite by Henri Parviainen that helps you design some scrollbars by pointing-and-clicking then copy/paste the requisite CSS code to recreate in your app.Changelog
am I doing UX right? 🤔
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/florinpop1705/status/1616873924213473283
Design and product management are both process-heavy and output-light disciplines. Practitioners crunch through a ton of learning, synthesis, and decisions to produce a simple and tidy artifact.
Non-practitioners only see the artifact, so they mistake the artifact for the work. And because it is easy to understand, it seems to them that it was simple to make - or to make changes - but the opposite is true.
#productmanagement #uxdesign #ux
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↬ Sandrina Pereira breaks down what we need to take into consideration so that nobody gets stuck on an inaccessible invalid field: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2023/02/guide-accessible-form-validation/
A Guide To Accessible Form Validation — Smashing Magazine
Each time we build a field validation from scratch, accessibility doesn’t come out of the box. In this guide, Sandrina breaks down what we need to take into consideration, so that nobody gets stuck on an inaccessible invalid field.Smashing Magazine
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I was never promised this future, and I am grateful to have been a part of it.
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This essay is the best way I've found to do it.
How do you tell the story of this moment?
Mastodon, the Movie - David Slifka - Medium
Some movies start with totally separate plotlines, whose relationship is eventually revealed. It’s called “hyperlink cinema.” We have a short-lived opportunity to change social media forever. Here’s…David Slifka (Medium)
The .visually-hidden/.sr-only copypasta is incredibly useful for #a11y… but I don't think it should be a copypasta any more. The web would benefit a lot from it being a web standard.
The Web Needs a Native .visually-hidden
For years, developers have passed around a set of styles like a magic incantation. It's time we made it a web standard.Ben Myers
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The NEW 2FA!!!
NOTE: This is a beta feature. It works fine, but if you experience any problem, please open a ticket and report it.
A pure CSS carousel without any JavaScript. The magic of #CSS and #HTML 🪄✨
Demo: https://codepen.io/jwjertzoch/pen/JjyGeRy
How to Make a Fully Accessible CSS-Only Carousel - Level Up Coding
First of all, what is a carousel? Carousels show a collection of elements one after the other. Also known as “slideshows” and “sliders”. Often these are used to accommodate a larger amount of content…Jennifer Wjertzoch (Level Up Coding)
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Designers and developers who think of their jobs as rectangle creators have a lot to be worried about. But in my view, designers and developers who think of their jobs as solving problems — and incidentally have to create/wield some rectangles in order to solve those problems — have less to fear.
Design systems in the time of AI
It's been absolutely wild to witness the rise of the new crop of AI tools. This moment feels equally exciting and terrifying, but given humans' track record of driving promising technologies off the rails, I'm erring on the side of terrified until (h…Brad Frost
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“AI makes it crystal-clear we need to be focusing on why we create things vs what/how we create. Let’s move forward with humanity, purpose, and intention.” In the short term the hype can (and historically will) destroy livelihoods of many in the wake of satisfying investors while labeling it «progress».
Why we stop exploring new music as we get older?
Good article boils down to the below para (has some tips at the end):
"What we think of as our 'taste' is simply a dopamine reaction arising from patterns our brain recognises which create the expectation of pleasure based on pleasures past. When we stop actively listening to new or unfamiliar music the link between the musical pattern & pleasure is severed."
Why do we stop exploring new music as we get older?
The thrill of discovering new songs and new sounds can enrich people of all ages. Except, most of the time, it doesn't. Why does our willingness to explore new or unfamiliar music decline with age? Timothy McKenry explains.ABC News
So happy to announce the "Toot the Word Survey"!
We, the admins of the 5 WP-related instances have joined, to learn about and improve your tooting experience!
@javiercasares @praetorverlag @simon
Please take 2 minutes to answer our 8 questions before 5 March 2023 and tell us what you think:
And, boost it to the last fediverse corner if you want to make Mastodon a WordPresser place.
#WordPress #Mastodon #Survey
Toot the Word Survey - Mastodon and the WordPress Community
The goal of this two-minute survey is to help us improve the WordPress-related Mastodon instances and Mastodon as a meeting place for the WordPress Community in general.Google Docs
And happily so... my firm does a huge amount of Wordpress work, and has developed several plugins, and I think the "Venn diagram" of openweb, #Indieweb and #Mastodon developers should have gigantic overlap.
Am very encouraged by the work at Automattic at Mastodon inclusion into Jetpack, and think greater integration between WordPress and Fediverse standards is the most natural thing in the world.
Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything
Today's adventure: DIY whole hog data exfiltrationMatt Frisbie (Building Browser Extensions)
Eventually I got my thoughts together with help from Peter Drucker, Chris Argyris, Annie Duke, Jeff Bezos, Erika Hall, Mary Parker Follett, Samo Burja and Aristotle.
Just published: https://medium.com/@ElizAyer/meetings-are-the-work-9e429dde6aa3
Meetings *are* the work - Elizabeth Ayer - Medium
Every day I see people trying hard to avoid meetings. I hear it from teams (“We’re cancelling this so we can get some work done”). A common theme on social media laments the challenge of balancing…Elizabeth Ayer (Medium)
Fachową pomoc możesz uzyskać m.in. w następujący sposób:
• Antydepresyjny Telefon Forum Przeciw Depresji: 22 594 91 00 (śr.-czw. 17.00-19.00)
• Telefon zaufania dla osób dorosłych w kryzysie emocjonalnym: 116 123 (pon. – pt. od 14:00 – 22:00, połączenie bezpłatne)
• Centrum Wsparcia dla Osób Dorosłych w Kryzysie Psychicznym: 800 70 2222
• Telefon zaufania dla Dzieci i Młodzieży: 116 111 (czynny 7 dni w tygodniu, 24 h na dobę)
• Infolinia pomocy psychologicznej dla dzieci i młodzieży: 800 12 12 12 (czynny całą dobę, bezpłatny)
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• Antydepresyjny Telefon Zaufania Fundacji ITAKA: 22 484 88 01
23 lutego przypada Ogólnopolski Dzień Walki z Depresją, ale cały rok warto być otwartym na przyjmowanie i udzielanie pomocy. Więcej informacji:
• https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Og%C3%B3lnopolski_Dzie%C5%84_Walki_z_Depresj%C4%85
• https://www.gov.pl/web/wsse-gdansk/ogolnopolski-dzien-walki-z-depresja
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Dialogs, modality and popovers seem similar. How are they different?
A deep dive into the semantics, behaviours and characteristics of some of the most common user interface elements of websites today.Hidde's blog
The problems with viewport units
Conquering Responsive Layouts (free course): https://courses.kevinpowell.co/conquering-responsive-layoutsJoin the Discord: https://kevinpowell.co/discordView...YouTube
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Building a lightbox with the Dialog element
The dialog element lets you overlay content on top of your site in something called the "top layer", which is a special layer that sits above all other content. This way you never have to worry about your dialog being…Kilian Valkhof (Polypane)
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However, in this case you'll be toggling between hidden and scrolling overflow, so I'd say it's logically best to use `hidden` with the new `scrollbar-gutter` property. That said, since the scroller in question is the root, which is always a flow-root container, 🤷🏻♀️
1. Compatibility
2. Trialability
3. Relative advantage
4. Observability
5. Simplicity / Complexity
#Innovation #ProductDesign #ProjectManagement #TechnologyAdoption
5 factors that determined the rapid growth of #ChatGPT #AI (1 million users in 5 days).
Why ChatGPT Took Off Like a Nuclear Rocket
And What it Says About Technology Adoption More BroadlyScott Swigart (B2B Technology Frontiers)
Software accessibility for users with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
When discussing accessibility, the first person that pops into the minds of people is probably a person in a wheelchair. Thinking about software accessibility, the next two types of disabilities…Eva Katharina Wolf (UX Collective)
Damian Wajer reshared this.
So, thank you, and more please!
#BirdsOfMastodon #Birds #Birding #Nature #NaturePhotography #accessibility
Painting the whole beetle: an adventure in learning to learn - localghost
I'm not very good at being bad at things. In fact, I have a track record of giving up on things if I'm not immediately good at it.localghost
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Which element should one use for icons? I know that many, including popular UI frameworks, use <i> and it can even be argued that it is kind of suitable in terms of semantics, because it is an alternative way to describe a term, e.g. a disk icon is an alternative way to communicate “save”. However, the Idiomatic *Text* element is intended for “text with different semantic meaning”: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/i
What do you use? <img>? <figure>? <span>? And why?
: The Idiomatic Text element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
The HTML element represents a range of text that is set off from the normal text for some reason, such as idiomatic text, technical terms, taxonomical designations, among others.developer.mozilla.org
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Unordered, incomplete list of things I want from a job
If I have to have to a job, this is what I want it to offer me.lynnandtonic.com
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Lynn Fisher
Lynn Fisher is a web designer, CSS developer, and artist from Phoenix, Arizona.lynnandtonic.com
1. Wow, I had no idea! Thank you for clarifying.
2. I was wrong.
3. I didn’t know that but now I do and I’m smarter for it.
4. This just proves that you can be really sure about something and still be wrong!
View sunlight by going outside within 30-60 minutes of waking. Do that again in the late afternoon, prior to sunset.
Wake up at the same time each day and go to sleep when you first start to feel sleepy
Avoid caffeine within 8-10 hours of bedtime.
Avoid viewing bright lights—especially bright overhead lights between 10 pm and 4 am
Limit daytime naps to less than 90 min, or don’t nap at all
Keep the room you sleep in cool and dark and layer on blankets that you can remove.
Drinking alcohol messes up your sleep. As do most sleep medications
#Sleep #Bookmark
Toolkit for Sleep - Huberman Lab
The first Neural Network Newsletter provides actionable tools, including a 12 step guide, to improve sleep.Andrew Huberman (Huberman Lab)
The case for frameworks
Today I read Alex Russell's post The Market for Lemons and I found myself compelled to write a rebuttal. I am a big fan of Alex's work in general but not of this post in particular, which is very long, so allow me to attempt to summarize itseldo.com
I've consistently pointed at the ways they are (un)consciously obscured by privilege, dogma, marketing, and management blinders. Never have I called people taken in "stupid".
It reads to me like you're keen to assign malice when, in fact, it's the teams on the wrong end of all this that I feel for – and their users.
I've outlined here why that instinct is not helpful, and the spirit of "blameless postmortems" is a better way forward for managers and TLs alike:
A Management Maturity Model for Performance
Despite advances in browser tooling, automated evaluation, lab tools, guidance, and runtimes, modern teams struggle to deliver even decent performance with today's popular frameworks. This is not a technical problem per se.Alex Russell
in reply to Manuel Matuzović • • •